The felicitation ceremony of Bollywood wig designer Jeetendra S Salvi and Ramakant Munde President (CSTMPA) began and ended. Jeetendra Salvi, who made Ranveer Kapoor's wig for the film Animal, received the Akhand Bharat Gaurav Award and Ramakant Munde received the Akhand Bharat Gaurav Award from the hands of famous Bollywood actors at the Peninsula Club in Mumbai. Musician Dilip Sen, Bollywood actor Tej Sapru, Bollywood actress Aarti Nagpal were present at the felicitation ceremony. And all the officials of CSTMPA were present in organizing the party when Balasaheb Gaikwad and Ramakant Munde became the President.
Shri Jitendra Salvi i.e. Bala Bhai, under the guidance of his elder brother and guru Shri Surendra Salvi ji, has been working in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada film industry for the last 22 years. Shri Amitabh Bachchan, Shri Anupam Kher, Shri Boman Irani, Shri Hair wigs for big actors like Sanjay Dutt, Sri Chiranjeevi, Sri Mohanbabu and other veteran actors like Shahrukh, Salman, Aamir, Saif Ali, Prabhas, Ram Charan, Juni NTR, Vicky Kaushal, Ranbir Kapoor, and Ranveer Singh. , beard, moustache, all this is being done very well. He has recently worked on making wigs and hair extensions for lead actors in superhit films like Animal, Donkey, Salaar, Sambahadur, RRR, PS 1 & 2, Baahubali 1 & 2, KGF 2 and a total of more than 150 films. Have done.
Shri Ramakant Munde became the President, Cine Still TV and Motion Photographers Association elected members - Ramakant Munde - (President), Vinod Deshpande - (Vice President), Atul Rajkule - (Secretary), Ashok Kanojia - (Joint Secretary), Satish Ghusale - ( Treasurer), Atul Singh - (Co-Treasurer), and (Committee Member) - Firoz Hashmi, Himanshu Vyas, Shyam Salvekar, Rambachan Soni, Girish Verma, Kartik Das, Devendra Sarkar, Vinayak Vetkar, and Pappu Gupta were the committee members present.
- by Arun Kumar Kamal